Purple Pilgrims is the duo of Clementine and Valentine Nixon. Their ethereal choral summons and tolling guitar noir unfolds across a moony dwelling of sound, transmitting the sisters’ melancholic folk songs.
LA Lakers: Can You Stand the Rain
Following their US excursion alongside Pigeons and Wet Hair, and their sophomore LP on Siltbreeze (Times New Viking, Sic Alps, US Girls), the duo’s heavenly garage anthems, liminal haunt funk, and transfixing, psychedelic mantras are poised to captivate audiences around the country in mid-December.
Likened to a lysergic union of Lee Perry, Terry Riley, Suicide, Silver Apples and Young Marble Giants, what Pitchfork calls Fabulous Diamonds’ ‘part pagan sleepover incantation’ and ‘lush and trippy’ minimalism is a UFO potion of radiant synth arpeggia, lock-groove futurist-Baroque riffage, celestial chant and post-disco percussive clatter that has a disquieting, modal beauty and entrancing, cosmic unease. This is the duo’s first NZ visit. Presales available from undertheradar.co.nzLA Lakers: Reenactment of the Myoclonus Lagoon Battle Salsa in the Village of the Apparition Gala Xenogloss.
God Destroyer is the ambient music project of James Sullivan and Alex Donnithorne.